Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So, Maryn has played soccer for 2 seasons now. She thinks she loves it and is so excited to play until about half way through the season when it turns into "I don't want to go to practice today." Saturday was her last game of the season. Her favorite position is goalie (not sure I spelled that correctly) Maryn has no fear when it comes to pouncing on the ball and begs her coach to play that position. When there's no action on her end of the field, she entertains herself and the parents with little dances and songs which is pretty funny sometimes....especially when she doesn't remember that people are watching.
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Sherrie said...

Go get 'em Maryn!!!

DeAnne said...

that is awesome! i always wanted to be a soccer player-they were so cool. maybe kate can live my dream for me, except it is hard to picture her being coordinated enough...guess we'll see what she likes.

good job maryn!

elizabeth said...