Thursday, February 7, 2008

A very quick review

Check out the slideshow! Erik figured out how to get it up and going. It includes a few pictures from our trip with Erik to Hershey, PA, a visit from Aunt Kate and Abby when we saw the Coca-Cola factory and the Botanical Gardens here in Atlanta, I think some swim pictures, Halloween 07, Christmas 07 and Maryn's birthday on January 24th.

Golfer McKay

McKay has been learning to golf from Daddy. He thinks it's fabulous fun. Erik has him trained to hold the club and get in front of the ball by saying "stance." He knows just what to do. Mommy made him some pretend holes out of upside down paper plates so he wouldn't have to always be outside.

Maryn's bike

Our Maryn Elizabeth recently celebrated her 7th birthday. She got her very own, not handed down from her sister, bike and rode it all by herself the very same day. She love, love, loves riding her bike and asks every day afterschool if she can go for a bikeride. Each time she chooses a different "friend" to ride in the basket. This picture has her bear from Grandma Ruth but I can't remember the name right now.

Madalyn's Ankle

Madalyn fractured her growth plate again. She ran into a classmate at school and heard it crack 3 times and then it hurt really bad. Her teacher at school didn't think much about it and I didn't either when she came home becuase she complains about it hurting quite a bit. Later that evening I noticed that she'd been sitting on the couch all afternoon reading instead of the usual bike-ride or trampoline so I went to look at her ankle. It was really swollen and purple all around and underneath her ankle. Talk about a bad mommy moment. We got her iced and comfortable and saw several doctors the next day. After being referred to a pediactric orthpeadic she was casted and told to take it easy for the next 6 weeks. She's having a rough time getting used to her cast but she's been a real tropper about getting where she needs to go. Her elementary school is 3 floors and she has to climb 4 flights of stairs to get to several of her specials, (music, drama, etc) She chooses to climb stairs instead of ride the elevator most days.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The New Blog

Currently learning the ins and outs of Blogging, so soon there will be new and exciting info about the Peterson family as we continue live life, in all of its exciting glory.........Stay tuned for more to follow...